Why Hemp?

Why Hemp?

From time-to-time, we are asked why did you decide to grow Industrial Hemp?  

There are days we wonder the same thing.  Especially as we have watched the market change dramatically as more farmers (and some non-farming opportunists) decided to jump into the Green Rush. As acres under production have increased so have cost of supplies and labor but with an inverse effect on prices.  In addition, lack of education, generational cannabis biases, and pressure from Big Pharma, continue to make government regulations a moving target which in turn creates its own insecurities within the Hemp Industry. 

So, the question once again, why are we growing Industrial Hemp? Initially, as a new legal crop in Oregon, it was an opportunity to diversify and try something innovative.  I guess you could say that the Pioneer Spirit is still alive and well here in the heartland of Oregon.  The first season was a lot like drinking from a firehose and the information growth curve was vertical. By the second year, we had discovered the importance of reputable plant genetics, had begun to find our niche to set ourselves apart in an expanding industry, and that creativity, ingenuity and endless hours were the skills that would lead to success.  We had also fallen in love with this amazing plant!  Our mantra became, “Keep the Girls Happy at all Times.” In our sector of the hemp industry, we only grow female plants and males have a bounty on their head and are hunted down and removed. Although this sounds a bit like an Amazonian Warrior horror flick from late night television, the reason behind this practice of gendercide is quite logical…seeded plants produce less oil and the flower is no longer saleable to the smoking market.  Other sectors of the industry grow for fiber and are not concerned with pollination.  Think beef cows versus dairy cows…both are Bovine but have been selected for different purposes.

Sustainable Farming Practices Are Required In The Hemp Industry

We found that this hardy and versatile plant is well suited to our High Desert growing season and has led to positive impacts in local agriculture. At a time when the demands on water resources outstrip supply, it was a pleasant surprise to discover that hemp uses less water than many traditional crops in our area.  Utilizing drip irrigation and covered rows, water is directed to the intended plant and there is significantly less evaporation, weeds are inhibited, and we are able to feed the plants without nourishing a crop of unintended weeds that compete for resources.  Pesticides are not allowed on hemp, along with a long list of other chemicals, so it is an added bonus, that clean and sustainable farming practices are required in the Hemp Industry.  

Evolving Hemp World

But getting back to the reason that we continue to slog through the uncertainties in the evolving Hemp world, is that we believe in the future of this incredible plant and know that it offers hope to many people.  Skepticism will always have a seat at the table when discussing the benefits of hemp and as an industry we continue to push for additional research and validation. We need to be diligent in creating products that are beneficial to the consumer, with clear 3rd party testing for purity and potency.   Not all products are created equal and not all consumers will find cannabinoids helpful. But we have seen first-hand how the oils have helped people…relieving pain, reducing anxiety, improving quality of life during cancer treatment, and offering an option for those looking for alternatives to opioids. We believe that Nature is providing an answer…and we need to be willing to ask the questions…and be willing to listen with an open mind.  So with that, you will find us out in the field, making sure are we, “Keep the Girls Happy at all Times.”  
